Bhagavad Gtia

In this comic strip I felt like Arjuna by asking in a way “Do I have to?” but eventually doing so and realized it was needed/good. I could specifically apply the message by stating it is my duty do do so. The ancient Indian perspective would be different than the modern american perspective would be […]


Feng Shui

Back Patio Feng Shui Before: Back Patio Feng Shui After: This new change makes it easier to navigate and has a better “traffic” flow. This allows the better flow of Chi. There are 3 of the five elements displayed here, Metal which is the shape of a circle being displayed as the table. It shows […]


Taoist Walk

What was the most powerful sensation during the walk? -The most powerful sensation during the walk was the natural sounds of the winds rustling the leaves on trees and faint birds chirping Had you ever been on this path behind the school? If so, did you experience it differently this time?  If not, what was […]